When you use cannabis products such as hashish or weed, you can get stoned and high. But what exactly is being stoned? And what do you feel when you are stoned? Using drugs causes certain reactions in your body and brain. The active substances make you feel different than usual. We explain what happens when you are stoned.
What is being stoned?
When you are stoned, you feel lethargic. Your body feels heavy and you are extremely relaxed. This is due to the cannabis intoxication you end up in. Being stoned actually refers to sensory perceptions such as taste, smell, sight and hearing. Your legs feel like stone. When you are stoned, you feel like lying down or sitting somewhere. It can be relaxing to listen to certain music or watch movies.
How long does being stoned last?
How long you feel stoned depends on how you took the drugs. For example, after smoking hashish or weed, the effects last for about 2 to 4 hours. When you eat hashish or weed, the effects can last up to 12 hours.
Difference between being high or stoned
While you feel very relaxed when you are stoned, you are very cheerful and giggly during a high. A high will leave you feeling clear-headed and bursting with imagination and creativity. You are very cheerful and sharp during a high. While being stoned, it seems as if everything passes you by in slow motion. A high often turns into a stoned feeling after a while. When you are stoned, you are often hungry.
Which cannabis products make you stoned?
There are many different ways you can get stoned. The most known way is probably smoking a joint. But smoking a hash pipe and inhaling a vaporizer can also get you stoned. You can also eat cannabis in the form of space cake or bonbons. Another option is cannabis oil.
What are the effects of being stoned?
When you are stoned, you feel lethargic and your arms and legs feel very heavy. You feel very relaxed and your sense of time and space is different than usual. Cannabis makes you feel both psychological and physical effects:
Psychological effects
You will notice that your ability to concentrate is deteriorating. You can't focus on things that you can normally do very easily. Logical thinking is also no longer automatic. Your short-term memory is also affected, so you quickly forget things. Using too much cannabis can also make you very self-absorbed during your stone.
Physical effects
The first thing you notice is that you are becoming lethargic and sluggish. You can also become very dizzy and get palpitations. When you're stoned, you're very hungry. Your limbs feel heavy due to muscle relaxation. In addition, you can also suffer from red eyes and a dry mouth.
Can you get stoned from the smell of weed?
Can you get stoned from second-hand smoke? That is a question that sometimes goes around in coffee shops. How do you react to inhaling the smoke of weed, and what does it do to you? In principle, it doesn’t do anything. You get high and stoned from THC. This THC is absorbed by inhaling a joint. Because the largest amount of THC is absorbed directly by the lungs of the smoker, almost nothing remains in the smoke that the person exhales. As a result, you do not get stoned from second-hand smoke or exhaled smoke. Maybe because of the placebo effect, you think you do. But you don't get stoned from the smell of weed.